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Return of the Phone - Whoa! POP Phone

I was checking out of a local retail store and saw this. It's an accessory for your cell phone (see iPhone pictured) that connects an 'old style' phone hand set to your cell phone. Huh??!!

Digital Prison

Sometimes, this is me.

Parental Problems

Children hate it when their parents can't get along. So do I.

I wish Google and Apple would play nice. It seems they never tire of finding ways my Apple devices and my Goggle products DON'T work together!

Come on! I love you both! Give a kid a break!!!!!!

Blogger Launches iPhone app!

Finally, Blogger has launched an iPhone app to ease the pain of mobile blogging. The app allows for accessing and posting to multiple blogs with basic text and photo add options. By keeping the interface simple, blogger has provided a fast and friendly mobile option. I'm using the app on my iPad, as well because I've had some trouble with the interface with in Safari.

The only feature I'm missing is being able to access Picasa photos for posting.

All in all, a nice addition to the Google/Blogger tool box!

Google Announcement