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Tweet, Tweet! Twitter.

Are you on Twitter? Have we done the Follow thing, yet? Leave me you Twitter ID in the comments and I'll gladly return the #Follow. 

What Our Tweets Really Say

Tweets say more than you can imagine in less than 140 characters...

10 Tips for Delivering a #TweetWorthy Presentation

Are you planning a presentation where Twitter users are likely to be present? Give some thought to what might make your presentation #TweetWorthy.

Here are 10 tips to make your next presentation Tweet Worthy

1. Show the event hash tag throughout the presentation. #ET11, #LWSSept, #BEMedu, etc.
2. Include simple numbered points of information that are stated concisely. Remember, your audience only has 140 characters.
3. Use a short hash tag specific to your presentation even if the event already has one. This will allow users to search for the tweets specific to your presentation in the midst of the Social chatter around a larger event.
4. Make sure your Twitter ID is clearly visible throughout the presentation. I know you're famous, but don't expect tweeple to remember your ID. Here's mine @WilliamsKim
5. Give clear, concise statistics. People will tweet about percentages and numbers.
6. Mention other tweeple attending the event. Heck, even offer a space for people to display their ID. White board anyone?
7. Give permission. Simply tell people "I welcome the use of Social Media during my presentation."
8. Remind people that tweeting is encouraged. Use "You can tweet me on that" instead of "quote me" when emphasizing a critical point. Statements like, "I need to remember to tweet that later," and "That will tweet" can remind folks to keep tweeting.
9. If you mention a person, brand or product during your presentation, display their twitter ID along with the brand, logo, website, etc. You'll be surprised what will happen if people tweet about you talking about other tweeple. Isn't that right @ExactTarget ?
10. Mention attendees, brands and companies on your own Social platforms prior to and after your presentation. Engaging others a a great way to build favor for future presentations - and face it, its the Socially Acceptable thing to do!

So, what do you think? Other ideas? Feel free to use the little buttons below to share with others...I like that sort of thing.

What Our Tweets REALLY Mean

After a few years of using Twitter, I think I’ve discovered a secret code. What Our Tweets REALLY Say!

The Tweet We Send
What We REALLY Mean
@lesseraccount Thanks for the RT!
“Your suck-up has been duly noted. Get back in line”
@godlyaccount Thanks for the RT!
“OMG! You noticed me… please, please do it again. Please!”
@newaccount Thanks for the follow
“Yes. I know you worship me. Get back in line”
@Celebrity Thanks for the follow
“LOOK AT ME!!! I’m somebody now!”
RT @you @somebody2 @somebody3 @afriend #FF people
“I do this for you, but I better get some followers and you owe me”
#FF @godlyaccount because they are the bomb, funny and can walk on water
“Yes. I’m sucking up. Getting back in line now.”
#FF @lesseraccount because they are new to twitter, cute and funny
“Ok. Charity done. I pray that they will remember this tweet if they become @godlyaccount”
“A clever, touching, cute quote” – Famous Person
“I can’t really be bothered to think for myself at this moment, but see how smart I am to find good quotes? Follow me now!”
RT @someone “A clever, touching cute quote” – Famous Person
"I can’t even be bothered to source by own quotes, much less create something original. I’m in line."
Current Blog title with LINK
"I've written something and I’m begging you to read it…heck you don’t have to read it just RT it or click on the link. Come on little statistics grow!"
RT of a RT of your Tweet
"Look! Somebody thought I was clever. I’m so clever! What a clever one am I!"
@someone LOOK! This is amazing w/ LINK to something you’re selling

Local Bloggers Discovering Twitter

If you are a blogger and can be in Winston-Salem, NC in October 28th, you might want to join us for a Blogger Meet and Tweet.

See details below. If you would like to come, email Laura (lauraw at

Meeting Famous Tweeple

I'm presenting at ConvergeSouth this weekend. One of the benefits of these gatherings is that you get to meet many people - in real life - that you only know virtually. Case in point: Meet Elyse Porterfield. You don't know WHO Elyse is? Well let me help you out. Click here.

ConvergeSouth 2010 - Be there! October 1-2

We are most fortunate to have one of the premier and longest running Internet Conferences right here in the Triad of North Carolina. The event is extremely affordable (thanks to grants and some serious local funding) and will be held this year October 1-2. See more information below, but seriously, just click over and register. Now. Do it already!

About Converge South
After a short break to re-energize, ConvergeSouth 2010 is back to champion Creativity Online For Everyone. Mark your calendars for October 1 and 2, 2010 and set your Google Maps for downtown Greensboro, NC.
We’re excited to connect social media novices, strategists who know their way around social networking and experts willing to share their stories and advice.

This year’s event will feature three tracks:

Personal Branding
From Twitter 101 to best blogging practices, you’ll learn hands-on how to create your profiles across networks and the value of social media for reputation building, brand monitoring and more.

Internet Strategy for Small Business
Taking it to the next level, you’ll learn how branding is more than your logo, why content is king, how you can create a free website for your business and that using free social media tools pays off — but requires a different kind of investment.

Developing Outside the Box
From developing your own apps for iPhone, Facebook and more, to getting them approved and becoming a millionaire 99 cents at a time – this track connects developers and tech-savvy users.

Saturday Feature Luncheon
Join everyone for a buffet lunch and a panel discussion, “Internet Legislation,” moderated by John Robinson, Editor, News & Record. Joining the panel are Congressman Howard Coble, Congressman Brad Miller and several North Carolina legislators.

Clean Up #FF: Number 3 - Don't Forget the Day!

(see below for explanation)

Time got away from you and Saturday rolls around. As you check your mentions from the previous day, you notice a long list of #FF that came in during West Coast time. What to do? You think about RTs and Replies. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Resist. Don't do it! It isn't Friday. Stop.

Clean it Up! It is just confusing to see #FF tweets on Saturday and (heaven forbid but it is true) on Wednesday!  If you need to reply or mention those who mentioned you (not a bad thing as long as you follow #2 above), file it away until the next Friday. Perhaps go ahead and pre-schedule your #FF tweets for the future. Resist the urge to #FF tweet like there's no more Fridays.

So move along now my Clean Up #FF crew. The clock is ticking. Today is FRIDAY!  #FF

Thus ends the Clean Up #FF List of 3.

Note: Lately #FF has become a post fest... It's insanity tweeple. Can that many people really know and like that many tweeple? All at once? It just feels wrong, phony and bad. Bad tweeple. Bad.

What to do? Options abound.  So we shall have a list. We shall. Let's call it the Clean Up #FF List! It will be a list of 3 (I love talking in rhymes). I'll be posting a daily list of 3 #FF Clean up ideas. Please join me in my quest to clean up #FF!

Clean Up #FF: Number 1 - Don't be a #FF Pimp

Are you tweet pimping? How many people do you suggest for #FF? If the answer is in three digits, you're a PIMP! Yes, I'm name calling you. P-I-M-P! PIMP! And I don't mean that in any warm and affectionate hip-hop kind of way. Na sir.

Clean it up! Take a few moments and choose from among your follow list the newest, brightest or dearest. Then mention them one or two at a time. Then - here's the hard part - stop! Return to your regularly scheduled tweeting. That's right. toss off that fur coat and top hat and pimp no more.

NOTE: Lately #FF has become a post fest... It's insanity tweeple. Can that many people really know and like that many tweeple? All at once? It just feels wrong, phony and bad. Bad tweeple. Bad.

What to do? Options abound.  So we shall have a list. We shall. Let's call it the Clean Up #FF List! It will be a list of 3 (I love talking in rhymes). I'll be posting a daily list of 3 #FF Clean up ideas. Please join me in my quest to clean up #FF!

Clean Up #FF: Number 2 - Don't waste the Tweet

(see bottom of post for explanation)

Now you are selecting your #FF few and preparing to tweet. If you just in mention them by name and some generic line like - let's see - "Here's @WilliamsKim and you should #FF him" - although it rhymes beautifully (and come to think of it that might make it tweet worthy) it doesn't REALLY tell me why I should. You have all that extra space. We do get a whopping 140 characters to tweet, so don't waste the tweet.

Clean it up! This recommendation was actually given to me by @DHatfiled.  Tell me why I should follow someone. Give me a adjective or verb (you remember those. right?) to describe the tweetworthiness (ok. I made that one up) of your #FF mention. Go ahead. Be kind. You can do it.

Note: Lately #FF has become a post fest... It's insanity tweeple. Can that many people really know and like that many tweeple? All at once? It just feels wrong, phony and bad. Bad tweeple. Bad.

What to do? Options abound.  So we shall have a list. We shall. Let's call it the Clean Up #FF List! It will be a list of 3 (I love talking in rhymes). I'll be posting a daily list of 3 #FF Clean up ideas. Please join me in my quest to clean up #FF!