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Textus Interuptus

Have you ever thought about how text conversations just stop in random places for hours or days, and we're totally ok with that?

10 Tips for Delivering a #TweetWorthy Presentation

Are you planning a presentation where Twitter users are likely to be present? Give some thought to what might make your presentation #TweetWorthy.

Here are 10 tips to make your next presentation Tweet Worthy

1. Show the event hash tag throughout the presentation. #ET11, #LWSSept, #BEMedu, etc.
2. Include simple numbered points of information that are stated concisely. Remember, your audience only has 140 characters.
3. Use a short hash tag specific to your presentation even if the event already has one. This will allow users to search for the tweets specific to your presentation in the midst of the Social chatter around a larger event.
4. Make sure your Twitter ID is clearly visible throughout the presentation. I know you're famous, but don't expect tweeple to remember your ID. Here's mine @WilliamsKim
5. Give clear, concise statistics. People will tweet about percentages and numbers.
6. Mention other tweeple attending the event. Heck, even offer a space for people to display their ID. White board anyone?
7. Give permission. Simply tell people "I welcome the use of Social Media during my presentation."
8. Remind people that tweeting is encouraged. Use "You can tweet me on that" instead of "quote me" when emphasizing a critical point. Statements like, "I need to remember to tweet that later," and "That will tweet" can remind folks to keep tweeting.
9. If you mention a person, brand or product during your presentation, display their twitter ID along with the brand, logo, website, etc. You'll be surprised what will happen if people tweet about you talking about other tweeple. Isn't that right @ExactTarget ?
10. Mention attendees, brands and companies on your own Social platforms prior to and after your presentation. Engaging others a a great way to build favor for future presentations - and face it, its the Socially Acceptable thing to do!

So, what do you think? Other ideas? Feel free to use the little buttons below to share with others...I like that sort of thing.

What Our Tweets REALLY Mean

After a few years of using Twitter, I think I’ve discovered a secret code. What Our Tweets REALLY Say!

The Tweet We Send
What We REALLY Mean
@lesseraccount Thanks for the RT!
“Your suck-up has been duly noted. Get back in line”
@godlyaccount Thanks for the RT!
“OMG! You noticed me… please, please do it again. Please!”
@newaccount Thanks for the follow
“Yes. I know you worship me. Get back in line”
@Celebrity Thanks for the follow
“LOOK AT ME!!! I’m somebody now!”
RT @you @somebody2 @somebody3 @afriend #FF people
“I do this for you, but I better get some followers and you owe me”
#FF @godlyaccount because they are the bomb, funny and can walk on water
“Yes. I’m sucking up. Getting back in line now.”
#FF @lesseraccount because they are new to twitter, cute and funny
“Ok. Charity done. I pray that they will remember this tweet if they become @godlyaccount”
“A clever, touching, cute quote” – Famous Person
“I can’t really be bothered to think for myself at this moment, but see how smart I am to find good quotes? Follow me now!”
RT @someone “A clever, touching cute quote” – Famous Person
"I can’t even be bothered to source by own quotes, much less create something original. I’m in line."
Current Blog title with LINK
"I've written something and I’m begging you to read it…heck you don’t have to read it just RT it or click on the link. Come on little statistics grow!"
RT of a RT of your Tweet
"Look! Somebody thought I was clever. I’m so clever! What a clever one am I!"
@someone LOOK! This is amazing w/ LINK to something you’re selling

Drop Box Rules and You're Invited

I am a big fan of Dropbox. Drop Box is an online storage and file management system. Your account is free and comes with 2 GB of free storage.

By downloading the free software, your PC or Laptop is connected to the Dropbox 'cloud.' When you save a file to your local folder, a copy is saved in the 'cloud.' Each time you log on to your computer, the files in your folder are synced. Here's where it gets fun. Download Dropbox on another computer or get the free app for your mobile device and your saved files are synced and accessible from every device. I can even access everything from the web using most any browser and my account log-in information.

Dropbox also allows you to create public folders to share your files with others. Have a large file that is a problem to email? Place it in Dropbox and then simply share the link to it with a friend.

Feel free to visit Dropbox and take it for a spin!

Internet Summit - Raleigh, NC 2011 #isum11

I'm headed to the annual Internet Summit in Raleigh, NC this week. I was going to write a post about it, but I met Jess via some of the Social Media buzz going on about it, and since she has done such a nice job with posting about it already, I'll refer you to her for the details and expectation settings around the Internet Summit 2011.

Be sure and tell her I said hello - we bloggers like all that connectivity stuff, you know!?

Feel free to follow the online chatter on twitter via #ISUM2011 or get all the details at the O-FFICIAL website -

Show Some Follow Love

Welcome! Since you're right here... Would you like to make me happy as a clam at high tide?! Really? Well, then look to the right sidebar and click the Google Join This Site button. Now, enjoy the blog!

The Future of Interactive Media

Surprises abound when I meet with new people and such was the case last week when I agreed to share a coffee and conversation with the enthusiastic Lindsey Huston. Ms. Huston gives her account of our meeting in a recent Eye On Media blog post. She is very gracious to this ole blogger - so, should read the post: "Curiosity  Passion and Endurance."

"The rabbit hole of knowledge in the interactive media field is infinitely deep. This is the metaphor KIM WILLIAMS, a Client Service Manager at BEM GROUP, INC. in Greensboro, left me with after our information meeting this past week...." (read more)

I'll not recount anymore here, but what I do want to share is that it occurred to me just how much of the future of the Interactive Media world will be determined by those, like Lindsey Huston, who are just now immersing themselves in the ever changing and advancing world of Interactive Media and Marketing.

Perhaps we spend a little too much time talking about what technologies and platforms are best, or are lasting. I've seen a great deal of debate lately about the role of things like Google Plus (G+) and Facebook's latest features - but little discussion about the change makers, the idea people, the soon-to-be-amazing PEOPLE that will not only decide the direction in which we will travel, but will create the technologies that will take us there. So, drop over and see what is happening just down the street from me at Elon University's Interactive Media Program. Or just add the iMedia blog to your RSS feed and try to hang on!

While you are act it, tell Lindsey Huston hello!

Ready, Camera, Action

Going Social and Did I mention...?

Did I mention that I was taking a bit of a break from blogging to work on an e-book? Yes, it's true. I'll be back, soon...

I did overhear this today: "Don't make me go Social on you!" Have you ever "gone Social" on someone or some business? Why? Did it help you get a positive resolution?

Are You Socially Acceptable

When I was growing up, my folks were very BIG on manners. I was taught to be polite, patient and respectful. In short, I was instructed on various behaviors to make me socially acceptable. Lately, the phrase "Socially Acceptable" has come to refer to something altogether different - how we behave on Social Media.

So, I was thinking (a risky venture, yes) about the possible parallels to the instructions I received in my youth about being socially acceptable and those needed today for Social Media. I made a list. You decide.
What I remember from my youth includes:

1. Wait your turn
2. Respect your elders
3. Say please and thank you.
4. Help others
5. Don't talk too much
6. Ask permission
7. Don't push
8. Keep yourself clean and neat
9. Don't make fun of others
10. Don't be greedy

Do you have any others to add to the list? Is there any guidance here for our Social Media behavior?