Kim Williams is Man Named Kim

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#Resolution2014 Don't Give Up Anything! #MondayBlogs

Have you made your New Year's resolution? What are you vowing to give up? I'm giving up nothing! I'm about to start some new things! I'm taking on 2014 and invite you join me.

I'm told that our brains have trouble handling negative statements. When I tell myself "I'm not eating cake," my brain only hears "eat cake!." However, if I tell you, "I'm eating fruit and vegetables tonight," I"m more likely to do just that. Deciding to DO something positive rather than stop something negative is a wiser route. So, here's my list of DOs for 2014...


  1. Drink more water. A 12 oz glass before two of my three meals each day.
  2. Spend creative time writing daily. 30 minutes each day, 5 days a week, first thing in the morning.
  3. Laugh everyday. Hard enough for it to be felt in my belly!
  4. Spend 5 hours every week disconnected from the digital world. "No phone no lights no motor cars not a single luxury..." Ok. not really THAT, but I couldn't resist the Gilligan's Island reference.
  5. Walk daily. It doesn't have to be a hard walk, or even a long walk, but a walk for the sake of walking.
  6. Publish a book of poetry.
  7. Whatever else I want to add. There will be something else that I need to embrace this year, so I'm keeping this open slot for that thing.

What about you? What's on your TO DO list for 2014?