Kim Williams is Man Named Kim

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Clean Up #FF: Number 1 - Don't be a #FF Pimp

Are you tweet pimping? How many people do you suggest for #FF? If the answer is in three digits, you're a PIMP! Yes, I'm name calling you. P-I-M-P! PIMP! And I don't mean that in any warm and affectionate hip-hop kind of way. Na sir.

Clean it up! Take a few moments and choose from among your follow list the newest, brightest or dearest. Then mention them one or two at a time. Then - here's the hard part - stop! Return to your regularly scheduled tweeting. That's right. toss off that fur coat and top hat and pimp no more.

NOTE: Lately #FF has become a post fest... It's insanity tweeple. Can that many people really know and like that many tweeple? All at once? It just feels wrong, phony and bad. Bad tweeple. Bad.

What to do? Options abound.  So we shall have a list. We shall. Let's call it the Clean Up #FF List! It will be a list of 3 (I love talking in rhymes). I'll be posting a daily list of 3 #FF Clean up ideas. Please join me in my quest to clean up #FF!