Kim Williams is Man Named Kim

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From One Blogger to Another - #5

Carpe Salem!

Want to know more about what living in Winston-Salem really has to offer? Ever need a little encouragement to grab the gusto from a day locally? If so (or if not I really don't care because I'm going to tell you about this one anyway, so listen), then meet Nancy and Carpe Salem!

Nancy was among the bloggers I met at The Ronald McDonald House celebrations last Saturday. Nancy has a easy access format to her blog that allows you to see not only the most recent post, but intros to multiple topics from past post. You will be glad she does this because her playful writing style and accounts of her living around town will entertain and guide you to more from your life in the Triad.
So, what are you still doing here? Click over and tell her Kim said hello!

Tomorrow things get REALLY interesting because, well, you can't make this stuff up people!