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5 Public Speaking Boosts - #2 Posture

Posture isn’t just standing up straight.

By the time we get a few public presentations under our belt, we know a few things about appearance. We know to stand tall, command the platform and to eliminate unnecessary or awkward movements. Yet, the master speaker wisely incorporates new mannerisms and gestures into the presentation to help deliver impact.

We need to develop a skill set of hand movements, postures, arm movements and facial expressions that will allow us to offer a variety of visual cues. One word of caution: I’m not suggesting we provide the antics of Jim Carrey, but rather that we be able to increase our visual offering when it is helpful.

5 Public Speaking Boosts - #1 Preparation

Preparation isn’t 3 points and a poem.

The running joke in seminary was that every good sermon is made up of 3 points and poem. The truth is it’s not a bad guideline for structuring a 15-20 devotional presentation. However, the problem for some of us is that when we get the outline done – we are done.

For presenters who have a natural ability to speak, the danger is that we might step onto the platform with little more preparation than an outline. I have heard many times, “I have a plan for what I want to say, but I’ll just ‘wing it’ on the details.”

No matter how good our speaking skills may be, there is no talent substitute for solid preparation: research, plan, practice and repeat.