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Walking Free

perspiration trails down jaw lines
the journey of necessity
arms stretch outward
delicate steps along the precipice of doubt

muscles constrict and release in rhythm
a waltz that dances ever
withered cravings scream
rebellion and unwillingness

wisps of liberated mist rise
once bound to soil and stone now free
supportive hands appear
forever a small piece of weighty matter


By the last micro thread of the spider’s web
In a delicate balancing between desire to be free
From the casket of this cocoon
And to be safe from the fall to the ground

How came I upon this entanglement
But by little things, single threads of erroneous
Quiet discontentment resting feather-light
Clinging unassumingly to the sleeve of my façade


Movement through my own self
Became hindered and slowly, progressed to
Halting proportions lost in one immobile
Suspended by the last filament of my attachment

To you

Resolute Living

We are far enough into the New Year that I have heard and read my fair share of New Year’s posts and opinions.  I guess I’ll take a moment and share my thoughts.

Often I find myself looking in to the New Year and thinking about what new things I want to accomplish. Resolutions are often about what we want to make different in our lives: loose ten pounds, run a marathon, get a better job, save money, reduce debt, stop smoking, etc. There are a few things I hope to accomplish this year, and the truth is that my bets hope of accomplishing these new things isn’t a magical New Year’s resolution. 

I do well to look not so much at what I want to change, but what I am currently doing that is working. Even a momentary reflection on the characteristics of my life that contribute to my success reveals simple habits that, while often difficult to follow, are essential to getting anything done. This year I am beginning with a New Year’s Renew list. I am renewing my commitment to the habits and actions that are a part of my success and then looking at a few things I want to accomplish with these proven, daily habits. The difference is that I am focusing on resolute living rather than living a list of resolutions.


Resolute Living

  1. Each day I will decide to abstain from alcohol and other drugs. I have made this choice daily since July 10, 1999 and it has made all the difference in my life
  2. Pray each morning for “Knowledge of God’s will for me and the power to carry that out.”
  3. Respect other peoples (and my) time – be where I have agreed to be when I have agreed to be there. I am not perfect at executing this, but I am committed to the value of it.
  4. Be mindful of the Rotary Four-Way Test – Of The Things We Say and Do
    1. Is it the Truth?
    2. Is it fair to all concerned?
    3. Will it build good will and better friendships?
    4. Is it beneficial to all concerned?


  1. Listen to others and seek to understand their point of view.
  2. Pay my bills on time.
  3. Exercise multiple times each week.
  4. Keep my weight between 145-155lbs.
  5. Take the medications prescribed by my doctor as prescribed.
  6. Hike.
  7. Get a full night’s sleep (6-8 hrs) most nights.
  8. Read books for fun.
  9. Read books for education.
  10. Maintain a blog.
  11. Save some money each month.
  12. Tell jokes (no matter how lame).
  13. Read the comics.
  14. Volunteer to help others in some way every month.
  15. Work the steps of the simple program that I have chosen to help me better live my life.
  16. Never take the advice of someone more messed up than I am.
  17. Write about the creative ideas and images that move me.
  18. Work faithfully and dependably for my income.
  19. Take a vacation with my wife. 

Resolutions for 2009 

  1. Attend a writing workshop/class.
  2. Speak publicly ten times.
  3. Submit something written for publication.
  4. Hike the Alum Cave Trail.
  5. Purchase a new Audio/Video system for the den.


I am sure there is more, but this is what I have for here, for now…

A Dream

soft clouds
of unknowing
drifting awareness 
of twilight
of passion, pain
find us 
and lead us 

Washing Clean Blues

Her hair

Strummed by tears

Falls a mess upon the pillows


The blues

Broadcasted in waves

Washes him down off her


The morning will find her empty, but clean.

Perhaps This World Needs

As I strive for self actuation
Demanding more of my mind, spirit and body each day
Determined to succeed, to claim yesterday’s distant horizon
As today’s dawn

It occurs to me that I might have it all wrong
What if these images of status and position
That haunt my mind each evening are self contrived
And the resistance that pushes me backward
Each hard fought day is prophetic

What if my truth is that
This world simply needs another bum?

Muscial Guest

As a member of Rotary, I am privileged to hear a variety of people speak on any number of topics. From revolutionaries to politicians, I hear the stories, missions, beliefs and art of people who are seeking to impact the world around them with the gifts and values they hold dear.

Today, we had a musical guest, Laurelyn Dossett of “Polecat Creek.” Laurelyn Dosset has a delightful manner and shares willingly of her passion for music, life’s stories and nuances, and her artistic prowess.

Learn more about her music with Polecat Creek here and her musical theater endeavors at her site, here. What fun.

The Last Cicada

The last cicada sings
Into the crisp fall air
A final call of
Fall’s end, winter’s era

Leaves cling
To branches high
Not one wants
To release and die

A father dreams
Of his son’s flight
But silence returns
From this season’s night

Seasons change
Seasons go
Season remain
Ever so slow

Summer leaves
To find its fall
The stillness breaks
Upon us all

The last cicada sings
The final tear falls
We are cold
We are so small

A baby cries
Her first breath of life
Mother’s arms are gone
An women will live in strife


Sometimes we must burrow
Deep into the earth
Waiting there, searching
For the matter of our birth

Remembering when we can
That as this begins
We can return as
The last cicada sings


The last cicada sings
Into the crisp fall air
A final call of
Fall’s end, winter’s era

Leaves cling
To branches high
Not one wants
To release and die

NOTE: in the depths of a hike in SC, i heard a lone cicada. while only weeks before i had heard the deafening noise of thier community screaming, only one remained. the words above come from that last cicada's song.

Hiking It Off

The earth under foot
Thoughts fade into
Embraces singularity
Effortless striding
Coming homeward
Less of me resting
Burdens dripping
Into the soil beneath


An illusive wisp
Sophia dancing
From our grasp and swirling
Into brief awareness
Remembered only as afterthoughts
Insulting epiphanies
Propelling us to the next level
Of incompetence