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A Pending Epitaph - Paint Me Not

Paint Me Not

Paint me not in shades of brilliant blue and red

Coloring over my misguided lines of glossy black

And smeared greys

Don’t layer me over with sentiment and morality

Forgetting my deformity of thought

And bare deeds

Have the fortitude to lay it out

As I was and am naked and old, withered

And decaying now

My life will be dust soon enough and should not be concealed while it can be revealed.

Note: Inspiration comes when it is ready. I was viewing a photo and a post over at and somehow, my thoughts and feelings lead to the poem above...

Listening Badly

You don’t mean badly of it

Your constant chatter

About your thoughts, life moments

Ongoing strident tones

Filling every silence to brimming

I don’t mean badly of it

Listening half heartily

To worn tires chatting

Over tired pavement

Rhythms rising from empty drums

Just Not Feeling It

I am mostly a happy person. I enter each day with a determination to be positive, smile and find the opportunity in every challenge. Yes, I am one of those people.

Today, I wasn't able to make it happen. Nothing bad happened. Nothing monumental broke or went awry. Yet, I have found this day empty of enthusiasm and lacking in luster.

Chalk it up to "one of those days."

One of Those Days

Walking through cement

Wading in the swamp

Paddling up stream

Strolling up the down escalator


Simply not really caring about getting there

We are all allowed one of those days. Right?

The Thinning of One

The Thinning of One

If I am not careful

With my thoughts

My ideas



I will become thin

On artistic endeavors

Of creativity




Is transparent

Lifeless etching

On contemptuous bones


Often spoken words lose meaning
Repetition, redundancy, familiarity
Turns the phrase
Into empty sentiment.

What shall we call these things
Courage, commitment, duty, belief
Pallor of soul
To sigh and ache?

Can we even speak of heroes anymore?

Birthday Song

Today is my Birthday, so I'm singing this special birthday song.

"Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis is your birthday song,
It isn't very long."


Spainsh Moss

Clinging to branches among the oaks

Timeless observer of time’s passing

You sway through breezes and revolutions

Directing humanity’s passage

As if orchestrating a divine symphony


With nothing but a wisp connecting you

To the lofty vantage from which you observe

Coy and unaffected

Your slight presence fans our dreams

As a winter wind stirs the smoldering fire


Little more than air feeds you

A hint of sea salt to spice your tasting

Of our adventures and chaos

You remain, lingering luscious

As the memory of a lover’s sigh


Eternally upon us

Writing Class

I'm taking a writing class for the next five weeks and since one of our suggestions is to forgo wqriting on the keyboard in favor of paper and pen - I'll be more absent than usual from my blog.

I'm excited. 

In the mean time visit The Sanctuary and Christopher.

While In the Office

seeking a hike

pounding the sod

finding a beat

gathering a song

starting a dance


Remember when

We found the forest


Intense, alluring and terrible

We cowered in fear

Shadows danced

Masked marauders set on our capture

Thorns, impenetrable barriers

Pole arms of razor steel

To strip flesh and life from bone




We eventually found our way

Safely among these harrowing acquaintances

Shadows became nuances of light

Painting images of complex contrast upon

Canvases of hope

Spears’ edges, properly marked and navigated

Became safe havens

Briar patches of protection




Now, you and I

Are bored and dumb

Silently wishing for

Another forest to conquer