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Lonely As A Cloud...

The poet, Wordsworth, spent a good deal of time here in the area of England known as The Lake District. His words capture the quaint, bucolic British landscapes and the impact of such beauty on the spirit.

"I wandered lonely as a cloud,
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze"


Freedom Diving

I thought only death would be so peaceful
My ears are useless, muffled and deaf
I don’t breathe now, lungs stopped
My heart slows, relaxing under increased pressure
Sight is all that remains
An opaque vision of color and life


I can’t stay here
This momentary peace must yield
To the screams of my lungs and mind
Toward the surface
To the world of air breathing creatures
And over stimulated demands

Note: On free diving in the Atlantic near Bermuda.

The Reverberations of Poet's Pen

while reading a poem over at Nevine's, i was reminded of how deep poetry, and creative prose for that mater, reaches into my being. it is a living witness to the full gamut of my life, even though i am most driven to write when my spirit is in pain.

yes. for the scars that remain after the battered soul heals, for the ongoing hemorrhage of internal hope, for the fears arising from tortures too ghastly to be mentioned, for the pit of despair where rests stagnant laughter, mired in decay... for these pieces of the poet's being... there must be poetry. for in the words of the verse, hammered out on life's iron fist, i often find relief and sometimes, in moments of purest grace, wonderful questions.

Amusing Inspiration

Did Jung refer to you
Flit and a wisp through
My lungs
Stealing my breath

Are not you the artist's
Singing and dancing by
My passions
Making off with my propriety

Thank you

The Sea of Me

Swirling foam tickles my ankles
Toes wiggle in the archaic sands
Minnows dart, carving symbols in the tidal plane

Rising sun heats my bare back
Gulls sing anthems to the dawn
Waves rise in the distance, announcing the coming change

Rolling waves, closer, building
Fleeing tides ripping sand and shell away
Sand escapes beneath my feet


Salt burns membranes
Water cascades away from sprawled limbs
I have been caught unaware, startled by familiar currents

Laughter swells within the sea 
of me

NOTE: If this one seems familiar, it is one I've been working on for a while and have revised...

A Poem about Change - Falling Away

Falling Away

it is the result of many things
working hard
perfect coincidence

everything is done and set
in line
as it should be

time passes and no attention is given to it
we know
it is well
assuredly complete

then one day you notice it
off center
away from you

then it is gone

In My Hands - A poem about the passing of time

in my hands

in my hands
gentle and small
wonder and delight
an ebbing of laughter and stress

in my hands
the future rests
tasks to be learned
suprises of nature and mind

in my hands
a bundle of memories
my daughter's squirming
my son's gentle dreams

in my hands
vessel of potential
grasping for the next embrace
of that gift
offered daily

to my hands

Out of Gas

The sputter can surprise us
Running wide ass open
Taking no prisoners
Casting laughter like caution
To the wind
Blowing up a storm of passionate dreams
And friends cheering us on

The road turns, twisting
Thought and perceptions
Into unrecognizable shards
Broken, poured out, spilled
Across memories of tomorrow’s
Dreamers awake
When the fuel of creation
Runs dry

Thus fools rush in
Where angels fear to tread
And shout
"Fill’er UP!"

On Having Lunch at Panera - A Poem

On Having Lunch at Panera

The din resonates
Countless voices frantically
Proclaim facades and personas

Below the cascade
Simplistic souls stand
Wall flowers alone and longing

Within, a voice asks
Shall we dance?

In Between - A Poem About Transiency

In Between

dusk and flickering candles. 
sensations of 
in between

gentle caresses of the last scent of yesterday's cookies, baked and eaten. 
in between

a leaf falling upward, riding on the breeze of summer's heat
in between

silent breath
 your voice pausing between words
measured with care
in between

the end and the beginning

the alpha and the omega

the dream and the reality

we live here for no more than a moment

in between