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Word Play

It is funny how the context in which a word is used so drastically effects it's meaning. Take the word 'crown' in the piece below. What is it?

The King fractured his crown

By biting too hard

Upon the edge of his watch

Trying to stop the time

Of his reign.

What Did You Say? Episode 4

Singing along to the radio with your teens in the car can be hazardous. Let me just leave it at this - the lyrics are not "Go Charlotte, it's your birthday."

Silence's Voice

Such a wondrous, bellowing creature is silence.
Screaming prerecorded messages
Demands for fulfillment
of parental needs

An eccentric racket, noisy nymph
Promoting historic agendas
Commands for realizing
Ancestors' wants

Such a wondrous, noisy nymph
Is Silence
Personally, I'm inclined to hear whispers more

Too Full for Words

Too Full

The quill rests full
Dripping onyx truths
Upon parchment
Unable to spill
Small enough droplets
To inscribe

Repost - I Found Myself Humming

I found myself
Humming into the mattress
With you
It was an accidental thing
An exhale that sent a slight vibration
Through the sheets
I enjoyed the sound
The sense
Of my humming
Beside you – with you
The vibrant ripples made me giggle
And roll joyfully
Leaving all tension and alarm
and there
I found myself
Into the mattress
With you.

The Dangling Conversation - A Wonderful Song

I often write about the value of human to human contact - real, in person, eye gazing into eye, breath mingling conversation. Do yourself a favor and listen to this song. Listen carefully and enjoy some of the best writing that this amazing duo, Simon and Garfunkle ever put together.

Solitude verses Loneliness

What is the real difference between solitude and loneliness if not a spiritual matter?

Cutting to the chase, I sometimes find myself alone and enjoying the simple peace and independence that such time allows: reading, writing, listening to music, or riding the currents of thoughts and dreams. This is a type of alone time I truly cherish - I think of this when I use the word solitude.

Then there are times when I'm uncomfortably alone. Times when my thoughts and emotions run chaotic and intense, times when tumultuous tides seem to push me about from one feeling to another - and my natural reaction is to try to change the way I feel from the outside. These are dangerous times. Strangely enough, I am as likely to have these moments of loneliness when I am in a crowd of people as when I am alone. Loneliness seems to come from internal unmet needs, a sense - real or perceived - of lack, of want.

There are also moments when, as I live my life and learn the patterns of relationships and inward realities - that my loneliness will turn to solitude.

Recently, I came across this song by Suzanne Vega that captures part of this experience beautifully. I do like her poetic lyrics.

Poem by Unremembered Author

When I was in elementary school, I was given the assignment to memorize a poem. I found one at my home, tucked into a book and learned it proudly.  Today I do not know who wrote it and haven't been able to find the author's name, but I remember the poem. If you happen to know of the author, I'd love to be informed.

A  Friend

I want to help you all I can
In all I say or do
Because you are so friendly
And I think the world of you

My services, however great
May not amount to much
But they are always your to use
By any sound or touch

I want to keep you comforted
And turn your tears away
And carry out whatever wish
Your loving lips may say

I want to keep you smiling
And forever to be sure
That you possess the happiness
That surely will endure


Friday Flash 55 - Myth Defined

I'm not sure the protocol for playing, and am open to direction. But, I discovered Friday Flash 55 over at Jingle. Here is my Flash Friday 55 Poem. (Write a poem that is fiction in 55 words)

Myths are made of misfortune
Reasoned out by those who failed
and Survived
then Thrived

Myths are tall tales of adventure
Carried on by those misled
and Corrected
then wised

Myths are truer than facts
Recorded by scholars who suceed
and die
then forget

Myths are larger than reality
Confounded by dreams remembered
for eternity

Too Few Words

Sometimes I have so much to say, there aren't enough words. Such moments are best observed in silence.