Writing Class

I'm taking a writing class for the next five weeks and since one of our suggestions is to forgo wqriting on the keyboard in favor of paper and pen - I'll be more absent than usual from my blog.

I'm excited. 

In the mean time visit The Sanctuary and Christopher.

Life Sharpening

I don’t care how good you are, life is formidable! 

I am thinking today that living life on life’s terms is a lot like the impact of the knife blade on the wet stone. You explore the analogy for yourself, and if you like, share your thoughts in the comments below. 

I’d love to read them.

While In the Office

seeking a hike

pounding the sod

finding a beat

gathering a song

starting a dance

When Words Have Meaning

Words are abundant and free flowing, tokens tossed into our lives, plentiful, over available loud and empty cases more often than not. We throw them around like a used tea bag or an under valued cap that we flipped onto the floor only later to be kicked under the bed thoughtlessly when walking past, devoted to more important things, left there to settle into uselessness with the dust mites and pet dander.


Hello, how are you?

Good, you?

What are you doing?

I know that, but…

New and improved

Do you have a minute?

Whatever you want to do

It isn’t about the money

I love you


Yet, when the words are spoken at the right time, a time book ended between mutual struggles, and collective losses gathered along the common road of years battling commonality and mediocrity and when those words are spoken between you and that now dear and dying friend or quoted to you by someone who heard them spoken of you by that same collaborator of greatness – then those words mean more than the very life into which they are spoken.


Such was my day, today.


Remember when

We found the forest


Intense, alluring and terrible

We cowered in fear

Shadows danced

Masked marauders set on our capture

Thorns, impenetrable barriers

Pole arms of razor steel

To strip flesh and life from bone




We eventually found our way

Safely among these harrowing acquaintances

Shadows became nuances of light

Painting images of complex contrast upon

Canvases of hope

Spears’ edges, properly marked and navigated

Became safe havens

Briar patches of protection




Now, you and I

Are bored and dumb

Silently wishing for

Another forest to conquer


Walking Free

perspiration trails down jaw lines
the journey of necessity
arms stretch outward
delicate steps along the precipice of doubt

muscles constrict and release in rhythm
a waltz that dances ever
withered cravings scream
rebellion and unwillingness

wisps of liberated mist rise
once bound to soil and stone now free
supportive hands appear
forever a small piece of weighty matter


I'm experimenting with Twitter. 

Do you 'tweet' on Twitter? What, if any, do you seek to accomplish via this web utility?

Any suggestions for a new user? Cheep, tweep, chirp...

Twigs, Flakes and Strofoam Clumps

Why did I find a totally unrecognisable brand and 'flavor' of cereal for me to eat this morning? And, what does 'increased digestibility' have to do with breakfast?!

No wonder my wife declined when I offer to accompany her to the grocery store. grrrrrrrrrrr.


If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.
  - Hermann Hesse


By the last micro thread of the spider’s web
In a delicate balancing between desire to be free
From the casket of this cocoon
And to be safe from the fall to the ground

How came I upon this entanglement
But by little things, single threads of erroneous
Quiet discontentment resting feather-light
Clinging unassumingly to the sleeve of my façade


Movement through my own self
Became hindered and slowly, progressed to
Halting proportions lost in one immobile
Suspended by the last filament of my attachment

To you