I launched this website and moved my blog over here just a few months ago. Now that I've settled into the new design and look, I'm very pleased. Thanks to the folks over at BEM Interactive (my employer - nothing like a little brown nosing) for helping me set things up and hosting the site.
This feels very much like my place. The design rightly reflects my personal energy and approach - right down to the rolling steam off the coffee cup. I'm always ready for some creativity over a cup of coffee.
"The other day" I attended a Linking Greensboro event and won a door prize of a free business card design from a local graphic artist and marketing consultant. We met, and I simply directed her to this site for artistic direction. Along with information she gleaned from our conversations, she designed a wonderful card for me to use to promote my non-employment self for speaking and teaching engagements. The design of the card, front and back, is below.
All of this to say, THANK YOU Danielle Hatfield (@dhatfield) for a professional, playful and accurate representation of me!