Surprises abound when I meet with new people and such was the case last week when I agreed to share a coffee and conversation with the enthusiastic Lindsey Huston. Ms. Huston gives her account of our meeting in a recent Eye On Media blog post. She is very gracious to this ole blogger - so, should read the post: "Curiosity  Passion and Endurance."

"The rabbit hole of knowledge in the interactive media field is infinitely deep. This is the metaphor KIM WILLIAMS, a Client Service Manager at BEM GROUP, INC. in Greensboro, left me with after our information meeting this past week...." (read more)

I'll not recount anymore here, but what I do want to share is that it occurred to me just how much of the future of the Interactive Media world will be determined by those, like Lindsey Huston, who are just now immersing themselves in the ever changing and advancing world of Interactive Media and Marketing.

Perhaps we spend a little too much time talking about what technologies and platforms are best, or are lasting. I've seen a great deal of debate lately about the role of things like Google Plus (G+) and Facebook's latest features - but little discussion about the change makers, the idea people, the soon-to-be-amazing PEOPLE that will not only decide the direction in which we will travel, but will create the technologies that will take us there. So, drop over and see what is happening just down the street from me at Elon University's Interactive Media Program. Or just add the iMedia blog to your RSS feed and try to hang on!

While you are act it, tell Lindsey Huston hello!