This year's Internet Summit is a blast. Large crowd (1,800+) and fast moving presentations and topics tracks.

It will be a while before I sort through all my notes, but here snap shot of some RAW (and I mean straight from the pad, raw) notes from today's session on Online Video... See if anything strikes you as significant.

#isum11 Online Video @fiddlinlady Donna DelMarco

One upload, one time for all platforms. find the right tools

Video to mobile to app for conversion (wine exp)

Tactical examples...

Contest - watch video, answer questions, enter contest.

Keep contest interactive with video

Use customer testimonials via video - link to social watering hole for target group

Video for customer training and support, product demos, how to videos, etc.

Monetization - traditional advertising has moved to video, but new is that it is ok to charge for content of video. Like a white paper? Charge email for viewing?

Need 100 k viewers/ month to consider making revenue on advertising. CPU is low.

In video ads from sponsors, advertisers, etc.

Selling video content - lighter living. YouTube video briefs to drive full version on website.  Selling expertise.

Online Video - @SamKimball Live Steam

Live steaming Video - the golden age of online video

The power of a Live Moment

5 key value pro for Live Video

1. It's a lean in moment
2. Natural for Social Intergration
3. Real time feedback and sharing
4. People watch live longer 9-12 mins per video per viewer
5. Brand messaging stands out with a higher CRT.

How do you do it?

Platforms and web destinations, social integration, results in. Illinois sof channels and  a real opportunity to extend the live event

Live stream video has been the democratization of broadcasting

Most platforms will display on all devices and an hd multi bit rate

Consuming categories

1. Entertainment. 15%
2. Gaming
3. Music
4. News and politics
5. Business and finance
6. Spirituality
7. Sports
8 life blogging

How do we leverage live? Via a custom campaign

A Holistic approach
1. Video production can be simple
2. Web development
3. Promotion driving viewership. you have to have a way to get people there

Brand/sponsor Integration
Use a full service video production company if it is a huge event
Consumer RSVP ad unit (be reminded via email)
Do social or go home!
Per roll ads
Banners with RSVP ads
In banner video of the live stream

Effective Strategies for Successful Webinars @ciscovideo Jamie Beck

Webinars are a huge cost savings over regular meeting
Scale small to many
Leverage local and regional talent on a global base
Allow attendance anywhere ... Use mobile?


 Multi tasking of participants (ie not paying attention)
Too many bad Webinars equal bad rep
Easy to screw up
Free limits value perceived

How tos...
Clear title and message
Offer something of value and incentive for accepting (online drawing at end)
Keep invitation short and sweet
Use Social to supplement email invites
DONT - text only invite, complex registration

The presentation.
Don't text death people
Keep it to the point
Keep it onetime and end on time
Turn off entry notification.
Pre test connection and equipment
Don't read your slides

Best practices
Offer an incentive
Use video - people want to see your face
Always share your material afterwords
Always give time for q&A
Engage - polls, multiple choice, questions

Google Webinars software and pick one
Webinars blog