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Ollie's Bakeries - Local Destination - Enjoy Fresh Baked Goodies

Local Destination - Enjoy Fresh Baked Goodies

I sometimes get stuck in a rut, yes - it's true. I frequent the same restaurants, coffee shops, and cafes'. Every now and then some innocent and unsuspecting soul drags me kicking and screaming to some place new by offering to meet me there...

Sometimes this is a good thing. Case in point is Ollie's Bakery. If you like fresh baked goods in a much more European tradition than you can get any other place around here - and if you want to meet some great people - drop by. Be sure and tell Nancy "HELLO!"

Two locations: Winston-Salem and Greensboro. Have fun and you are welcome. You will thank will.

Christmas Gift Ideas - Cat Book

Need a Christmas gift idea? Have a cat lover in your life? Who doesn't? (If you don't have a cat lover in your life then you must pay indulgences to @Lucy_Cat. It's a fact).

My friend and local (ok. she lives in Madison - but it's almost local) author, Dena Harris, has a new book (Who Moved My Mouse: A Self Help Book for Cats Who Don't Need Any)out just in time for your holiday giving.

Your mission is two fold:

1. Go buy the book.
2. Read Dena's latest blog post and tell her I said "HI!" (no i'm not getting paid for this, but only because I can't figure out how).

Wait...ok.. 3

3. Like her book on Facebook.

Go shop. It's Christmas time.

Meeting Famous Tweeple

I'm presenting at ConvergeSouth this weekend. One of the benefits of these gatherings is that you get to meet many people - in real life - that you only know virtually. Case in point: Meet Elyse Porterfield. You don't know WHO Elyse is? Well let me help you out. Click here.

Blogging The Triad North Carolina Social Media Scene - Outpost

John Cass, over at Pace Communications, has asked for some help to cover the area's Social Media groups and events. I wanted to help, so I drew one of my favorite Groups from LinkedIn - Linking Greensboro. Here's your outpost post, John!

Linking Greensboro is was one of the early Social Media Networking goes Reality Networking groups in the Triad. What is Linking Greensboro? The description from the LinkedIn group says it well.

Created: August 15, 2008 | Other | Members: 2,229
Linking Greensboro NC is a networking group of professionals in the Greensboro Triad area that are interested in growing personally and professionally through networking on LinkedIn. Please Note: To help keep the discussions on track we created Posting Guidelines. Please review the guidelines before posting to the group: What to post: -Discussions or comments related to the local community, events and business topics. What not to post: -Advertising your website or services -Invitations to connect -Announcing that you are looking for a job -Off topic discussions -Disrespectful or abusive comments about another member. .. Please be respectful of other members and have fun.

Linking Greensboro has an informative website and monthly events to allow for face-to-face networking. Local experts are featured as speakers on a variety of topics. Check them out here on LinkedIn.