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The Marketing is Strong In This One #StoryTelling

Ok, I'm jumping on the viral bandwagon and sharing the Budweiser Super Bowl commercial. It's a puppy love - love story.

Isn't this the B E S T? I'm a sucker for puppies!

Do You Remember THIS?? #MondayBlogs

What is this? 

No Buts About It AND More #MondayBlogs

The theme of this website proclaims “A place for words….” I believe in the power of words, but not just the obvious power of words that hurt or console, I believe words are woven deeply into every fiber of our communication.  Words, properly understood can reveal intent and affect outcomes. Even a small change in a phrase or word choice can have a powerful effect on our lives. Allow me to illustrate...


Take the word “but” for example. We use it often, “I understand that, but I think it’s deeper than that.” “I want to, but I’m too tired.” “Yes you did, but that’s not what I meant.” The power of the word ‘but’ is that it negates anything said before it. Someone said once, “’But’ is the great eraser. It erases the value of anything before it.”

It is my observation that there is no better fuel for an argument than a hefty and well placed “BUT!” 

I find it very interesting to practice using another word than “but.” Try “and” for example. “And” is a good alternative it makes an acknowledging, respectful way to add another piece of information or perspective to a statement. 

“I understand you feel that way, and I still want you to get it done.”
“Yes you did, and that isn’t what I meant.”
“I want to, and I’m too tired.”

Using “and” gives value to both statements and allow us to add information and often depth to a conversation in a nonthreatening fashion. We can acknowledge what someone has said and then add our perspective. 
 I’ve tried to eliminate the word “but” from my daily speech. It takes some practice and it seems worth the effort. Give it a try. Let me know what happens.

Apple and @Hootsuite on #BeSocial #MondayBlogs

Apparently, I'm not the only one who is longing to create life space and human intimacy in the digital space. 


Apple and Hootsuite have launched messages to address the need to balance digital activities with human intimacy. Here are their videos! Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

So, are they speaking to you?

Compassion In Winston Salem via @CompassionateWS

While you are thinking Christmas, consider the charity of your city. Do you know about Compassionate Winston-Salem? These quiet and often unsung heroes of our community are busy about the work of encouragement and caring – right here, right now. 

Some of their activities for the month of December include:

Handing out blankets to the homeless
Stand outside the downtown library (or bus station) handing out bottles of water and protein bars.  
Handing out small bags of food to that person with the sign at the stop light.
Being mentors for Youth mentoring programs.

Drop over to the Compassionate Winston-Salem website to learn more. This city is made up of wonderful people!

This Man, @RealMikeFox, Is A Hero

I have been a fan of Michael J. Fox for years. Early on he was my idol because he was living the dream of a professional acting career that was my ultimate life fantasy. Later, as he struggled with life issues and the sordid path of fame, he excelled at choosing a healthier, more balance manifestation of living.


In 1991 he was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. Since that day, he has not only fought the disease, but taken the illness as an opportunity to change the face of research and treatment for Parkinsons. Here's a hero. Real life hero. Why? Because he has the ability to help and he is doing it, when that same ability would allow him to isolate, become self absorbed and silent. Michael J. Fox is fighting Parkinsons with a purity of motive. 

HO to the Third! #photo

Clever. Yes?

A Different Kind of #FlashMob #Music

There is no greater force on the planet than music. Ok, poetry is a close second, but it's not as widely appreciated. 


The scene here, reportedly, is that a young girl donates a few coins to a street musician and everyone gets the surprise of a lifetime. Enjoy!

Right Now - Dog Spelled Backwards is God.

Right Now - Dog Spelled Backwards is God.

Sometimes the pace of life is so swift that it sweeps away ever opportunity for reflection and self-analysis. The stimulus of voices, choices and ideas pour forth like a monsoon deluge, and the deafening stream of life invades me completely. Only the deepest sanctuary of self remains intact, only the most basic of truth dwells secure and I waver, twisting against the torrent of being, at risk of loosing self. Still, the desire to continue is unfaltering, and I risk an even further journey into this mire of self-exertion.


Tonight I am in that place. Yet, just now, I found myself holding my small canine friend, bending over him, embracing his warmth and feeling the softness of his fur against my cheek and the fluff of his ear upon the base of my nose, and in the earthy smell of his being and I was reminded that I am held in the arms of God; safe. I choose tonight, for the next few moments to recline with that knowledge and my familiar upon the sofa. Come what may, I have finished this day and am done with it.



Take A Hike! #Peaceful

Nothing can settle my mind and ease my soul like an autumn walk. 

Where do our strolls lead us if not into the wilderness of the self and the wilds of our world? The crunch of the brittle leaves and rustle of squirrels darting to safety tell us we are in nature, we are in something larger than our individual wants and worries. The pathway winds before us and always twists out of sight into uncertainty.

Long shadows reach along the ground and within us.   Connected.


We all long to walk in this world and be of this world.