“One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child.”
I know many creative adults, and I think adults – as a whole – get a bad rap. We are creative, fun, innovative and playful creatures. The idea that adults, by virtue of their age and place in society, have lost the desire or ability to be playful and creative is bunk. Bunk I say! B-U-N-K!
Even the most conservative minded business professionals I know are ready to laugh and dream if given a moment to do so. Perhaps it is the fact that children who grow up must develop some ability to set aside play and work through periods of methodical and measurable activity that is seen and misunderstood as losing the child-like gleam of creativity. Just because we can suspend fantasy doesn't mean we have lost it – or its power.
It isn't that adults are not willing or able to play. In fact it may just not be a smart time to lay aside work and reason for fancy.
The challenge, for us as adults, isn't so much to learn how to play. Our challenge is learning when to play and when to work – and even that statement isn't right because good creativity is often hard, detailed, serious work. The issue is about capabilities and how we spend our time, how we rest and relax, work and create and remain energized spiritually.
Carl Jung reportedly scheduled time each day, for a period of years, to simply go outback of his home and play. This play allowed him to better free his inner creative self and in some measure reinforced the most profound pieces of his thinking – his work.
I guess I’m advocating that we give a little thought to how much time we are spending in the realms of the adult and child each week… I’m just saying.