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10 Tips for Delivering a #TweetWorthy Presentation

Are you planning a presentation where Twitter users are likely to be present? Give some thought to what might make your presentation #TweetWorthy.

Here are 10 tips to make your next presentation Tweet Worthy

1. Show the event hash tag throughout the presentation. #ET11, #LWSSept, #BEMedu, etc.
2. Include simple numbered points of information that are stated concisely. Remember, your audience only has 140 characters.
3. Use a short hash tag specific to your presentation even if the event already has one. This will allow users to search for the tweets specific to your presentation in the midst of the Social chatter around a larger event.
4. Make sure your Twitter ID is clearly visible throughout the presentation. I know you're famous, but don't expect tweeple to remember your ID. Here's mine @WilliamsKim
5. Give clear, concise statistics. People will tweet about percentages and numbers.
6. Mention other tweeple attending the event. Heck, even offer a space for people to display their ID. White board anyone?
7. Give permission. Simply tell people "I welcome the use of Social Media during my presentation."
8. Remind people that tweeting is encouraged. Use "You can tweet me on that" instead of "quote me" when emphasizing a critical point. Statements like, "I need to remember to tweet that later," and "That will tweet" can remind folks to keep tweeting.
9. If you mention a person, brand or product during your presentation, display their twitter ID along with the brand, logo, website, etc. You'll be surprised what will happen if people tweet about you talking about other tweeple. Isn't that right @ExactTarget ?
10. Mention attendees, brands and companies on your own Social platforms prior to and after your presentation. Engaging others a a great way to build favor for future presentations - and face it, its the Socially Acceptable thing to do!

So, what do you think? Other ideas? Feel free to use the little buttons below to share with others...I like that sort of thing.

What Our Tweets REALLY Mean

After a few years of using Twitter, I think I’ve discovered a secret code. What Our Tweets REALLY Say!

The Tweet We Send
What We REALLY Mean
@lesseraccount Thanks for the RT!
“Your suck-up has been duly noted. Get back in line”
@godlyaccount Thanks for the RT!
“OMG! You noticed me… please, please do it again. Please!”
@newaccount Thanks for the follow
“Yes. I know you worship me. Get back in line”
@Celebrity Thanks for the follow
“LOOK AT ME!!! I’m somebody now!”
RT @you @somebody2 @somebody3 @afriend #FF people
“I do this for you, but I better get some followers and you owe me”
#FF @godlyaccount because they are the bomb, funny and can walk on water
“Yes. I’m sucking up. Getting back in line now.”
#FF @lesseraccount because they are new to twitter, cute and funny
“Ok. Charity done. I pray that they will remember this tweet if they become @godlyaccount”
“A clever, touching, cute quote” – Famous Person
“I can’t really be bothered to think for myself at this moment, but see how smart I am to find good quotes? Follow me now!”
RT @someone “A clever, touching cute quote” – Famous Person
"I can’t even be bothered to source by own quotes, much less create something original. I’m in line."
Current Blog title with LINK
"I've written something and I’m begging you to read it…heck you don’t have to read it just RT it or click on the link. Come on little statistics grow!"
RT of a RT of your Tweet
"Look! Somebody thought I was clever. I’m so clever! What a clever one am I!"
@someone LOOK! This is amazing w/ LINK to something you’re selling

Holding the Hand of God - an ahamoment

I had two wonderful privileges over the past two days.

1. I got to meet, via an impromptu tweetup, the Crew from Mutual of Omaha's ahamoment tour.

Meet Gary, Natalie, Ben and Jessica (she's the boss). These great folks have the pleasure of touring the nation and listening to and cataloging the powerful and often emotional stories of extra-ordinary people. Their energy is contagious, their patience almost inexhaustible and their smiles electric. The #ahatour team is worth knowing.

2. I recorded my own ahamoment entitled "Holding the Hand of God." Drop back  later this week and I'll post a link to it for you to hear - once it is available and I've viewed it to make sure I didn't say anything too embarrassing  eh.

If you are living in one of the upcoming tour stops, make a point to seek these folks out. Your life will be better.

We had fun!

To Tweet or Not to Tweet - 5 Tips

Twitter is a rapidly growing platform. I enjoy using Twitter both personally (@WilliamsKim) and professionally (@BEMinteractive). A recent Tweet from (@PracticalWisdom) about tweeting in a meeting got me thinking: As more people value Twitter for communication and information sharing, when is it ok to Tweet in a meeting and when should we refrain?

I'll share a personal prejudice and then 5 tips for your consideration. I'm over 50, so my educational era (error?) is one that preceded much of the technology that we enjoy today. I was exposed to classrooms, lectures and presentations when the speaker was due unwavering attention. To talk, shuffle papers, or read something other than handouts/outlines was disrespectful. I'm accustom to something akin to lofty respect for those who stand before you to teach, inspire and guide. Multitasking electronic communication - even electronic note taking - fractures this paradigm.  I've experimented with tweeting in a variety of settings and had some useful and some embarrassing (that's another post) results. So, what of tweeting during meetings and other gatherings?

 I think there are certain environments that are more appropriate than others for tweeting. Here some suggested guidelines:

1. Consider the setting. If it is a Tweet-Up event, then a certain amount of twitter activity is expected. However, don't assume that everything is up for grabs. There may be moments when someone is presenting or speaking and needs you attention. If you are meeting with your boss, tweeting about the conversation might be a bit much.
2. Ask the Speaker/Leader. If an event has a formal speaker scheduled, ask about their preference regarding tweeting.
3. When in doubt don't tweet. You can always make notes to tweet or blog/tweet about later.
4. Consider your followers. If you are a 3-4 tweet a day person, you can alarm your followers if you start sending 10-20 meeting notes or quote snippets out while attending a 1 hour Tweet-Up.
5. Determine your goal for the event. If you are there to promote or share information "real-time" via Social then your use of Twitter is helpful. However, if you are attending to learn something new, there is some research that seems to indicate that electronic multi-tasking (especially via twitter) may interfere with your ability to hear and retain complex information. 

6 things I Hate About Social Media and Why I'm Not Stopping

1. Social Media consumes time like a hot dog eating record setting chow hound! Sure, you can manage the time by planning your Social Media activity around goals and a set strategy, and you can use third party tools (Hoot Suite, CoTweet, etc) to manage multiple accounts and platforms - but in the end, it ALWAYS bites off one more chuck of time than you planned - and then your lost...

2. Social Media eliminates the art of descriptive and erudite conversation. No matter how many links, abbreviations and pictures you include in your tweets, or how descriptive your Facebook status is, you'll never capture the beauty and eloquence of a single paragraph as uttered by the likes of Garrison Keillor. Sometimes conversations need to ramble and flower with articulacy.

3. Social Media is overrun with self proclaimed experts selling Social Media skills. Every day I have to wade through DMs, emails, blog comments, Facebook suggestions and LinkedIn invitations from Social Media sellers just to use Social Media. It feels like listening to a hoard of doctors scream their prescriptions at me as I walk to the medicine cabinet to take the medication I already have.

4. Social Media restricts communication to short, cursory blasts of information and replaces interpersonal communication with information exchange without human context. Social Media is rampant with one way information presentation. Everyone is 'telling' and there is a real lack of mutual discovery of new awareness by virtue of caring conversation. What I would give for a single "ah ha!" moment out of Social Media.

5. Social Media gets too intimate, too fast. Your Social Media sharing tells me too much about your life and preferences without me having to get to know you - at all. Intimacy doesn't follow shared experience via actual time spent together on Social Media, it comes just by virtue of my data stream crossing yours (didn't "Ghost Busters" warn us about crossing streams?)

6. Social Media hurts my brain in a BORG like way. The pace, variance and mass of information traveling via Social Media is mind numbing. Perhaps because I'm 'old school' and not a proficient multitasker, but I find my mind gets tired from so much incoming data and not enough time to process and assimilate that data - much less the time to reflect on the meaning and ramifications of said data. I feel like I am being sucked into the collective mass of information without the space to remain in touch with my thoughts, my ideas, my perspective.

Having said all of this, I am still an avid fan and user of Social Media and don't plan to stop. For all of its quirks and peculiarities Social Media does offer a novel and unique access to others and information. Social Media is the voice of the masses. It is a ground swell movement through which we all get to speak and influence our world. News is quickly dispensed (if sometimes erroneously) and public opinion is rapid fire available on social, political, business and consumer issues - and much more. Social Media is becoming a platform for businesses to more directly engage consumers and has the potential to evolve into a new and more agile way of marketing. It may be that in a matter of months all of this may change and we may remember the Social Media craze as a flash in the pan occurrence (I don't think so really), but at least I can say I was there when.

Tweeting for Mother's Day Because of My Mom

Today I sent some tweets about my Mother's wisdom. Part of the series is captured below. Find more via your twitter account by searching the #WhatMomDid hashtag.

7:38pm, May 09 from HootSuite
#WhatMomDid - a series of Mother's day tweets about my mother's lessons 2010
Sometimes you have to hike up you courage and take a chance.#WhatMomDid
RT @WilliamsKim: My mother taught me that laughter is always good for you and most of time acceptable. #WhatMomDid
If something is bothering you it's best to talk about it - #WhatMomDid
Taught me that God always has your back and mom always has your heart. #WhatMomDid
11:40am, May 09 from Twitterrific
RT @williamskim: Mother taught me that forgiveness hurts less than hate. #WhatMomDid
10:53am, May 09 from Twitterrific
#WhatMomDid - a series of tweets about a mother's lessons for Mothers' Day 2010.
10:47am, May 09 from Twitterrific
Makes me laugh! #WhatMomDid often at myself
10:46am, May 09 from Twitterrific
When you hurt so bad you want to quit life, surviving is the first step to thriving. #WhatMomDid
10:44am, May 09 from Twitterrific
Mom showed me that life will often give you much more and less than you expect, and acceptance makes both work for you #WhatMomDid
10:41am, May 09 from Twitterrific
From mom I learned that children should only do some of what parents do. #WhatMomDid
10:39am, May 09 from Twitterrific
My mother taught me that laughter is always good for you and most of time acceptable. #WhatMomDid
10:38am, May 09 from Twitterrific
From mom, I learned that my best and my worst - aren't.#WhatMomDid
10:35am, May 09 from Twitterrific
RT @williamskim: #WhatMomDid My mother gave me a love for poetry
10:35am, May 09 from Twitterrific
Mother taught me that forgiveness hurts less than hate.#WhatMomDid
10:34am, May 09 from Twitterrific
#WhatMomDid My mother gave me a love for poetry
10:32am, May 09 from Twitterrific
Because of my mother I see more of nature's beauty. #whatmomdid

Socail Media Connections and #favsay

I'm truly enjoying my involvement with Social Media - Blogger, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to be exact.

First, I invite you to connect with me on any or all of those platforms (see sidebar Social Media buttons).

Also, I would like to invite any of you who are using Twitter to join me in a conversation that I've started about Favorite Sayings- #favsay.

Over the years, we all hear and commonly use certain sayings or expressions that we like. A few of mine are: "My get up and go, got up and went," "I'm finer than frog hair," "That just makes my ass want a cup of coffee!"

So, what are your favorite sayings? Feel free to share them here and with me on Twitter - remember to include the hash tag #favsay

Pod Cast Me!

When I'm not blogging, writing, being poetic or quoting famous people, I earn a living as a sales professional. If you would like to have a glimpse into my work, click over to Sales Management 2.0 and have a listen.

Brad and Jerry (sounds like two cartoon characters, doesn't it?) are great hosts and gave me time to share about life, relationship skills and how to be a more effective communicator.

I had a GREAT time. Please join us here.

Coffee Stories Tweet

I want to know this - What is the best coffee experience you have ever had?


I'm experimenting with Twitter. 

Do you 'tweet' on Twitter? What, if any, do you seek to accomplish via this web utility?

Any suggestions for a new user? Cheep, tweep, chirp...