10 Day Changers - #5

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

5. Call for back-up. Life isn't meant to be taken on alone. I have a short list of people whose wisdom and opinion I trust. I call and visit with them. I talk over my challenges and victories with them. Most importantly, I don't make significant decisions without them.  When life on life's terms is getting the best of me, I call for back-up.

10 Day Changers - #4

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

4. Use a 'mantra.' I have a small plastic card of positive affirmations that I have memorized, so I often recite (yes, out loud) them as I drive. Recite one of them 10 times and they work. Every time. Every single time. Here are a couple of them: 1. Today I will win. Why? I'll tell you why - because I have faith, courage and enthusiasm. -Tom Hopkins 2. I have the exact tools I need for the exact challenges of this day. I'm well equipped. 3. Today is a gift. I am immensely grateful for it.

10 Day Changers - #3

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

3. Read. Just read for readings sake. When I take 15 minutes and read - without listening to music, watching my email come in, or being tempted to answer the phone - I learn something and then (get this part, it is important) I take 5-10 minutes to let what I read sink in. I just sit and think about what I read. there is something magical about down-time in between exposure to new information.

10 Day Changers - #2

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

2. Smile more. Do it now. Stretch that face with a big 'I'm up to something FUN" grin. I try to smile a lot every day. Yes, sometime people wonder what I'm up to, but more often than not - they smile with me. Who couldn't use a community of grinning people every day?

10 Day Changers - #1

There are things I do and say that help make my days great. This 10 day series is about those things.

1. Begin with some silence. Each morning after I shower, dress and am ready for the day, I sit for a minute or two in the chair by the bed. With my eyes close, I remind myself of why I am living today, of the things that are important, truly important to me. Then I ask the Divine to make me aware of the design for my life and give me power to carry it out.

10 Things You Learn When You're Home Alone

My wife is traveling in Europe. While I am enjoying the time alone at home, I'm learning some interesting things:

1. Brown clothing is best washed in the dark load.
2. We use a lot of water on the plants - Thirsty little things.
3. A fish can go days without being fed, apparently (note to self - feed fish)
4. There are many things I obviously don't remember without a reminder.
5. I really don't read the newspaper - I just bring it inside.
6. Absence (abstinence?) does make the heart grow fonder.
7. I will eat about anything if it is handy, doesn't smell rotten or look too fuzzy.
8. My dogs are neurotic and needy (another note - feed the dogs).
9. Things get dusty.
10. I like the bed being made before I climb in at night.

A Glimpse at My Weekend

Reflections On Yourself

reflect on
can you gaze
in the mirror where
you will find
gazing into

you can

Top Five FAILS You're Doing in Life - Number 1

A quick series of posts on the 5 things that are "DONT'S" in life, in descending order. I know this for a fact. Let's just leave it at that.

1. Failure to Dream Your Dream.

At the heart of our life is the passion we carry for life itself - our dreams. Too often we get busy doing and don't take the time to be - to believe in ourselves and what is important to us. Who or what cause is of core importance to you? What are your forgotten passions?

Penitence for this loss of dreaming is as follows. Remember that time when you tingled with lie and joy? Write it down right now. Capture in words on paper that moment of life and promise yourself you will find it again. Then, complete this little exercise by sharing that moment with someone else (maybe even here in the comments).

Top Five FAILS You're Doing in Life - Number 2

A quick series of posts on the 5 things that are "DONT'S" in life, in descending order. I know this for a fact. Let's just leave it at that.

2. Resting the Body and Mind too Seldom.

Studies tell us that we need sleep. For some of us we need 6-8 hours each day of restful, safe sleep. We neglect our body and mind's need for down time and push, push through life consuming artifical stimulants and frantically engaging digital prompts - and along the way we get too tired. We shut down the more creative and liberating moments of ourselves.

Penitence for this overworking of your mind and body is as follows. Shut everything off an hour early tonight. Drink a cup of warm tea and then get your  tired body in a dark comfortable bed and sleep. Do it and come back here for more tomorrow.