

Flight is best when
The sky is blue
Your course is clear
The Wind is gentle
Friends are at your side

Ordinary Man vs Happy Idiot

A few weeks back while mowing the lawn I concluded that everyone should want to be me.

Here's the scene. I'm pushing  the mower across the front lawn in 90+ degree heat, drenched with sweat, listening to some iPod music - exhausted - it occurs to me that I have a modest life. I have a modest home and car both with loans. I'm doing my own lawn work. I'm short, have arthritis, am going bald and I'm over 1/2 a century old. But here's the kicker - I'm deeply happy.

From the outside looking in you might miss it, but I have a wonderful, enjoyable, modest, ordinary life. More of my days are about peace, laughter, satisfaction and joy than not. Yes, I've concluded everyone should want to be me.

Of course, it could be I was permanently affected by the heat and am now just a "happy idiot." I like it.

Since You Asked

Someone, who reads my blog regularly, asked me today "Don't you EVER have a bad day?"

Yes - truly I must confess sometimes I do. Yet, those bad days become blips on my joyful life, mere moments of disconnect and soon my life is back again.

Just as proof - I'll share a few words penned in the midst of one of those disconnected moments.


please, leave me alone
be gone you deafening blanket of despair
be gone

leave, and vacate my soul
let there be emptiness, darkness, nothing, void

please, let there be room for the light again
come, come spirit of hope, feather-light
brilliant presence an uplifting touch

please take my down turned chin
lift my face again to the sun. please.

They Work Forward and Backwards - BackWords

It may technically be called a palindrome, but I think it's just "backwords." Backwords is my made-up term for words that spell a word in either direction.

Some of my favorites are:
lived - devil
desserts – stressed
redrawer – rewarder
deliver – reviled
gateman – nametag
leveler – relevel
evil - live
Do you know of any other "backwords?"

Fast Company Social Influence Experiment

I recently discovered this Fast Company experiment. It looks most interesting not only for the ‘contest’ nature of the program, but as an exercise in using Social to Market to those committed to Social. Take a minute and follow the link, let the page load and check out the cool collage!

Fast Company is searching for 2010's Most Influential Person Online. You are more influential than you think. http://fcinf.com/v/dan4

They tell me ...


Thank you for participating in Fast Company's The Influence Project.
You're about to find out how influential you really are.

Your unique, personalized 'influencer' URL is:


Click on the above link, and start influencing!

1) You can use any means to spread your unique link to your online network.
We shortened it for you so you can share on Twitter and Facebook.
2) Your goal is to influence as many people to click on it as possible.
3) You want those people to sign up as well, since they will be spreading
your influence along with their own.
4) You can track how your influence has grown, where it's led, and where you
stand at any time on the site.
5) Your picture is going to be in the November issue of Fast Company
magazine, where we'll reveal the most influential person online!

Thank you,
The Fast Company team"

You're Welcome???

10 Day Changers - #10

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

10. Saying "I Thank You". When I say "I thank you" to others, I feel more grateful. Plus, when people hear the 'I" it impacts them more. People do care about others. When I let people know I respect and appreciate them, we all seem to fare better. So, I Thank You for being here today and for sharing in my little 10 Day Changers series.

10 Day Changers - #9

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

9. Drive Carefully. When I lock my phone in the glove box and focus 100% on driving. I'm a better driver and when I'm a better driver, I'm a happier person. I can do more to make the roads a better place and, although I might be a bit delusional about this part, it might just catch on and help others change.

10 Day Changers - #8

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

8. Random act of kindness. I can do more of this. Leave a note thanking someone for helping you. Offer some assistance to a stranger. Open a door for someone. Give a more 'rookie' colleague a word of encouragement. Stay 15 minutes late at work - working. Pay for the food of the people behind you at the drive through. Have fun helping without being asked.

10 Day Changers - #7

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

7. Eat fresh fruit. As simple as it sounds, eating something fresh is a game changer. there is a trick to it, of course. I have to stop everything else and be aware of the moment. If I pay attention to the peeling of the banana and the act of biting and chewing and the fact that I'm taking the time to fuel my body with something healthy  - then, it's a game changer.

10 Day Changers - #6

There are things I do and say that make my day great. This 10 day series is about those things.

6. Take a hike. I do hike often, but what I'm referring to here is more of a simple walk. I will get up from my work and walk for 5 minutes. A brisk walk down the hall or around the building always rearranges things. It is a great stress reliever and a powerful perspective changer. Stand up and walk away - just remember to walk back, too.